Handbook & Expectations
Achieving Park Center P.R.I.D.E.
Our student and family handbook provides important information about life at Park Center Senior High, including:
- Student expectations and Park Center P.R.I.D.E.
- Academic support
- Daily schedules
- Student awards and recognition
- Behavior and conduct
- Secondary educational options
- Policies your family should know
What is Park Center P.R.I.D.E.?
Our school community flourishes when students and staff live with Park Center P.R.I.D.E. every day.
Participate in your education
- Be on time, prepared and ready
- Give consistent effort
- Contribute to the PC community
Respect yourself and others
- Treat others as you would expect to be treated
- Take care of our school and property
- Be polite and use appropriate language in every language
Inspire others
- Lead by example
- Be a positive influence on others
- Support and protect the rights of others
Do the right thing
- Show integrity
- Be responsible
- Make choices that are considerate to others
Excel in all you do
- Challenge yourself
- Go beyond what is expected
- Promote/develop a positive culture